Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Important things in Life

Cracking the cyber code - Running errands for your mother
Swimming the English Channel - Learning two new words in English

There are people who swim the English Channel - to get to the other side and to get into the evening news. Running errands for your mother will not get you into the evening news;  you will get your supper at night.

Why swim when you can fly?
Why swim when you can fly?

Monday, October 23, 2017

Using the ATM Properly

One of the unending support in our lives is the ATM. This is the succor for the person who cannot travel to the bank or did not withdraw enough cash when he was there. Here are some Do's and Don'ts for the ATM user.

1. Do not litter the ATM.
2. Collect your card after you use it.
3. Avoid crowding the ATM, select a proper time to avoid crowds.
Get Money Fast from the ATM

The ATM will always be there for you. It is the one thing after the sun, that has a long life. You can depend on it to give you continuous and dependable service all through your life and beyond.